Monday, September 13, 2004

Popcorn: food of the gods

Things I didn't do today: bring my purse with me when I left the house; say yes to doing an interview on LBC radio about celebrities in advertising (a subject that surely needs no further probing).

Things I did do today: got a free ride on the bus to work when I realised I did not bring my purse with me. WINNER!

On Saturday I was going to go and see Stage Beauty, only to find that Chelsea Cinema was unexpectedly closed. But it wasn't so bad because we stumbled upon one of those Oxfams I always thought were just mythical -- one that stocked all designer-label stuff. Not that I want to buy designer-label stuff, but it's good to know where you can get a pair of Prada trousers for £19.99, and knock-down Manolo Blahnik shoes. Even if they were trousers that looked like they would fit no one on earth, and very horrid shoes.

I'm off to see Super Size Me this evening with JennyJ, who says that it will be OK for me to eat popcorn in the cinema because popcorn is healthy. But I remain unconvinced.


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